Download Our App to Learn Polish

Why Busuu app?
Travel course
- This short course will help you to learn the most useful expressions for travellers. You can access it anytime - just take your mobile with you.
22 hours - A study showed that 22 hours using Busuu was equivalent to one university semester of language study.
Vocabulary trainer - Make sure you never forget the words you've learnt. Choose at least five words you want to focus on and take an interactive quiz.

Listen to Busuu's dialogues and recordings made by native speakers to get used to the pronunciation of the language.

Complete the writing exercise at the end of each lesson and learn how to apply the words and grammar that you've just learnt.

Try to talk to yourself in the mirror. It feels weird, but it does help! Explore the Busuu community where you can make friends and practise with them!
Study wherever you are
Identify different occasions when you can use the Busuu app and learn Polish on your mobile.
It takes just 10 minutes a day!

Phoebi, the UK
I am trying to learn enough Polish to get by. The same with Italian and Spanish. Whenever I visit one of the countries I have all the information on my computer and can practise the phrases and words I am going to need to get by. The advantage of learning online is that you can do it in your own time and that it is available whenever you need it.

Mia, Germany
I signed up on Busuu a while ago and even though I don't use it every day I've found it to be an excellent resource. One of my favourite features is that the levels are not vague (e.g. beginner, intermediate, advanced) but are tied to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) so you know exactly what level you are at.

Bob, USA
I recommend Busuu to EVERYONE. It is a fantastic resource for learning or practicing foreign languages AND for international cultural exchange. I intend to remain a Premium member of Busuu for a long time, because I want to get a basic knowledge of the major world languages and some minor ones.
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Learn anytime, anywhere. Even offline
Take Busuu with you and make use of any spare moments to keep learning. Queueing for a coffee? Waiting for a friend? Even on the journey to work - just download your lessons and learn with Offline Mode!
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