The Essential Guide to Italian Food Vocabulary

Learn the main words and phrases to talk about Italian food.

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By Laura Pennacchietti · July 8, 2024 · 10 minute read

The Italian words for food reflect the incredibly rich and fascinating world of Italian cuisine, which is part and parcel of Italian history and culture. From north to south, you will not find a spot in Italy where food is not central to Italian life – and of course, exceptional!

The Italian peninsula encompasses a wide variety of landscapes which is reflected in a multiplicity of regional culinary traditions, but what doesn’t change is the central role of food in the culture and in the lives of Italians. Which is why discovering Italian food does not simply mean trying new delicious dishes, but getting to know an essential part of Italian culture.

Whether you are an expert Italian speaker, a beginner who is looking to expand your vocabulary, or simply someone who is curious about Italian food, this article will enhance your understanding and proficiency in this important area of Italian language and culture.

It would be impossible to squeeze such incredible richness into one single article, but here we will try to provide a set of Italian food words that will help you delve into this world and tap into its richness.

If you’re looking for tips on how to order food in Italian, we’ve already got you covered – check our guide to ordering food in Italian.

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Italian words for food

Let’s start with a general introduction to Italian words for ‘food’ with some examples.

The main Italian word for food is cibo, which is singular and masculine.

Example: Il cibo buono è fonte di felicità. (Good food is a source of happiness.)

A more technical word often used to refer to single items of food, rather than the general category of food, is alimento. This is often used in the plural as gli alimenti.

Example: Il latte è un alimento molto nutriente. (Milk is a very nutritious food.)

When it refers to a national or regional food tradition, the word cibo can be used, but it is often replaced by the word cucina (cuisine), which is feminine singular.

Example: La cucina italiana è famosa in tutto il mondo. (Italian food is famous worldwide.)

In colloquial speech, the word ‘food’ is often replaced by phrases containing the expression da mangiare:

Examples: Sto facendo da mangiare. (I am making some food.)
Prendiamo da mangiare? (Shall we get some food?)

Finally, sometimes the verb mangiare itself (‘to eat’) is used as a noun, il mangiare, also meaning ‘food.’

Example: Siamo andati al ristorante, ma il mangiare non era un granché. (We went to the restaurant, but the food was not amazing.)

Italian food words

When you’re delving into Italian food vocabulary, first you need to learn basic Italian food words. We can help you with that! In this section we’ll provide you with practical Italian food word lists, divided into categories.

Italian words for fruit

Italiano English
la frutta fruit
la banana banana
la mela apple
la pera pear
l’arancia orange
il mandarino tangerine
il limone lemon
le ciliegie cherries
le fragole strawberries
l’ananas pineapple
la pesca peach
la prugna plum
l’albicocca apricot
l’anguria watermelon
il melone melon
i frutti di bosco berries
i lamponi raspberries
le more blackberries
i mirtilli blueberries
l’uva grapes
l’avocado avocado

Italian words for vegetables

Italiano English
le verdure vegetables
i pomodori tomatoes
il cetriolo cucumber
i peperoni peppers
le zucchine zucchini
le melanzane eggplant
le cipolle onions
l’aglio garlic
gli spinaci spinach
i fagioli beans
i fagiolini green beans
i funghi mushroom
il cavolfiore cauliflower
le carote carrots
i broccoli broccoli
la zucca squash or pumpkin

Italian words for meat and cured meat

Italiano English
la carne meat
il pollo chicken
il tacchino turkey
il manzo beef
il maiale pork
l’agnello lamb
il vitello veal
il cinghiale wild boar
il cervo venison
il fagiano pheasant
la faraona guinea hen
l’anatra duck
il coniglio rabbit
la carne trita, la carne macinata mincemeat
la cotoletta cutlet
l’hamburger hamburger
la bistecca steak
la salsiccia sausage
le costine ribs
gli spiedini skewers
le polpette meatballs
la grigliata mista mixed grill
il prosciutto cotto baked ham
il prosciutto crudo Parma ham
il salame salami
la pancetta bacon
la coppa air-cured pork
la bresaola air-cured beef
il guanciale cured pork jowl

Italian words for fish and seafood

Italiano English
il pesce fish
il tonno tuna
il salmone salmon
lo sgombro mackerel
il pesce spada swordfish
il merluzzo cod
il baccalà salted cod
l’orata sea bream
il branzino sea bass
la trota trout
la sogliola sole
le sarde, le sardine sardines
le acciughe or le alici anchovies or fresh anchovies
il polipo or il polpo octopus
i calamari squid
le seppie cuttlefish
l’aragosta or l’astice lobster
il granchio crab
i frutti di mare seafood
le cozze mussels
le vongole clams
i gamberoni king prawns
i gamberi or i gamberetti shrimp or prawns
gli scampi large shrimp
le capesante scallops

Italian words for dairy and dairy alternatives

Italiano English
il latte milk
il formaggio cheese
il burro butter
lo yogurt yogurt
la panna cream
la panna da montare whipping cream
il gelato ice cream
il latte di soia soy milk
il latte di mandorla almond milk
il latte di riso rice milk
il latte d’avena oat milk
la mozzarella mozzarella cheese
il parmigiano parmesan

Italian words for grains, cereals, and other carbs

Italiano English
il pane bread
il pane bianco white bread
il pane integrale whole wheat bread
il pane di lievito madre sourdough bread
il pan carré sandwich bread
panino* sandwich
pasta pasta
il riso rice
il mais corn
il farro spelt
l’orzo barley
l’avena oats
i fiocchi d’avena oatmeal
il grano saraceno buckwheat
la quinoa quinoa
la polenta polenta
i grissini breadsticks
i biscotti cookies
le fette biscottate rusk or melba toast
i cereali cereal
le patate potatoes
le patate dolci sweet potatoes
la farina flour

*Are you wondering why this is panino and not panini? Here’s why – panini is the most common food word that is plural in Italian but singular in English. Cannoli and broccoli are two similar words that are plural in Italian. In general, all words referring to pasta types are plural: cannoli, gnocchi, ravioli, spaghetti, tagliatelle, and so on.

Italian words for legumes

Italiano English
i fagioli beans
le lenticchie lentils
i ceci chickpeas
i piselli peas
le fave broad beans or fava beans
i fagioli di soia soy beans

Italian words for nuts

Italiano English
le arachidi peanuts
le mandorle almonds
le nocciole hazelnuts
gli anacardi cashews
le noci walnuts
i pinoli pine nuts
i pistacchi pistachios

Italian words for condiments and seasonings

Italiano English
l’olio d’oliva olive oil
il sale salt
il pepe pepper
il peperoncino chili pepper
l’aceto vinegar
l’aceto balsamico balsamic vinegar
la maionese mayo
la senape mustard
il basilico basil
l’origano oregano
il rosmarino rosemary
la salvia sage
il timo thyme
lo zafferano saffron
la noce moscata nutmeg
la cannella cinnamon
lo zucchero sugar

Italian food vocabulary

Now that you have the basics, we will expand your Italian food vocabulary with more context-specific expressions that will be useful to you in specific situations.

In gelateria (at the ice cream shop)

Italiano English
cono cone
coppetta tub
2 (due) gusti, 3 (tre) gusti* 2 scoops, 3 scoops
cioccolato al latte milk chocolate flavor
cioccolato fondente dark chocolate flavor
vaniglia vanilla flavor
fior di latte cream flavor
stracciatella stracciatella flavor (cream with chocolate chips)
nocciola hazelnut flavor
pistacchio pistachio flavor
crema custard cream flavor
bacio or gianduia chocolate hazelnut flavor
sorbetto sorbet
fragola strawberry flavor
lampone raspberry flavor
amarena sour black cherry flavor
limone lemon flavor
cocco coconut flavor
menta mint flavor
con aggiunta di panna with added whipped cream

*Traditionally the smallest ice-cream sold in Italian ice cream shops has two scoops – there is no option for one scoop, unless it’s a ‘gelato baby’ (for children).

In pizzeria (at a pizza place)

Italiano English
il pomodoro or la salsa di pomodoro tomato sauce
i pomodorini cherry tomatoes
la mozzarella mozzarella
la mozzarella di bufala buffalo mozzarella
l’origano oregano
il basilico basil
il prosciutto cotto baked ham
il prosciutto crudo Parma ham
il salame salami
il salame piccante spicy salami
la salsiccia sausage
i friarielli broccoli rabe
i funghi mushroom
la rucola arugula
le zucchine zucchini
le melanzane eggplant
i peperoni peppers
i carciofi artichoke
le cipolle onions
le acciughe anchovies
le olive olives
i capperi capers
il parmigiano parmesan
il pecorino sheep cheese
l’olio d’oliva olive oil
l’olio al peperoncino chili oil

Italian words for good food

Finally, if you are expanding your food vocabulary, one important area to consider is how to express appreciation for the food you’re eating – considering how delicious Italian food is, you will want to be able to say it! Here are a few phrases that will help you with that.

Ways to express appreciation for good food

Italiano English
Che buono! How delicious!
Questa pasta è buonissima.
Questo arrosto è buonissimo.
This pasta is really good.
This roast is really good.
È delizioso or È squisito! It is delicious!
Abbiamo mangiato benissimo! We have eaten really well!
Complimenti al cuoco
Complimenti alla cuoca.
Give my compliments to the chef.

Wrapping up

Food is at the heart of Italian culture. While you savor Italian dishes, you connect deeply with Italian history and tradition. This article has equipped you with a select set of words and phrases that will improve your understanding of the fascinating world of Italian cuisine and allow you to express yourself more fully in this key area of the Italian language.

So next time you’re at an Italian restaurant, take a look at the words on the menu. After learning all this Italian food vocabulary, you’ll be able to see those food descriptions in a new light. And who knows? Maybe learning Italian words for food will be the motivation you need to keep learning more of this exciting language.

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