Master the Conjugation of the Verb "Ser" in Spanish

Learn and understand the conjugation of the different tenses of the verb "ser" in Spanish

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Ser is one of the most common and important verbs in the Spanish language. It’s used to express identity, characteristics, professions, origin, and much more.

That said, it’s also an irregular verb. This means that it doesn’t conjugate in the same way as most other verbs do. Understanding how it works and its different basic tenses and moods is therefore essential to your language learning.

Master the present tense of the verb "ser" today!

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Not only will you be learning how to introduce yourself in the present tense with “Yo soy…” (or “I am”), you’ll also be mastering how to conjugate “ser” in different tenses via Busuu’s free online lessons!

Present tense

The majority of conversations will revolve around ongoing events and actions If you take anything away from this post, make sure you understand the presente de indicativo.

We use this tense to express permanent states of being, or general statements about a person or thing.

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Ser in the presente de indicativo

Pronoun Verb Example
Yo (I) soy Yo soy Daniel. (I am Daniel.)
Tú (you - singular) eres Tú eres tenista. (You are a tennis player.)
Él / ella / usted (He / she / you - formal) es Eso es alto. (That is tall.)
Nosotros / nosotras (we) somos Nosotros somos estudiantes. (We are students.)
Vosotros / vosotras (you - plural) sois Vosotros sois amigos. (You all are friends.)
Ellos / ellas / ustedes (they - masculine / they - feminine / you - plural, formal) son Ellas son inteligentes. (They are smart.)

Past tense

Now that we have a solid understanding of the present tense in Spanish, it's time to move into the realm of the past tense. Building on the foundations we've laid, we'll open up a new dimension of expression and gain the ability to describe past events with fluency and accuracy. Doing so will allow you to tell stories and better connect with people.

In Spanish, there are different past tenses. The simplest are the pretérito perfecto simple and the pretérito imperfecto.

The pretérito perfecto simple (also known as pretérito indefinido) focuses on specific past actions that are seen as completed and separate events, while the pretérito imperfecto emphasizes the background or ongoing nature of past actions, creating a sense of continuity or habitual behavior.


Pretérito perfecto simple of the verb ser

Pronoun Verb Example
Yo (I) fui Yo fui maleducada. (I was rude.)
Tú (you - singular) fuiste Tú fuiste el mejor. (You were the best.)
Él / ella / usted (He / she / you - formal) fue Ella fue agradable. (She was nice.)
Nosotros / nosotras (we) fuimos Nosotros fuimos estudiantes. (We were students.)
Vosotros / vosotras (you - plural) fuisteis Vosotras fuisteis encantadoras. (You were all lovely.)
Ellos / ellas / ustedes (they - masculine / they - feminine / you - plural, formal) fueron Ellos fueron los organizadores de la fiesta. (They were the party organizers.)

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Pretérito imperfecto of the verb ser

Pronoun Verb Example
Yo (I) era Yo era curioso. (I was curious.)
Tú (you - singular) eras Tú eras amable. (You were friendly.)
Él / ella / usted (He / she / you - formal) era Él era el defensor. (He was the defender.)
Nosotros / nosotras (we) éramos Nosotros éramos estudiosos. (We were studious.)
Vosotros / vosotras (you - plural) erais Vosotras erais pequeñas. (You all were small.)
Ellos / ellas / ustedes (they - masculine / they - feminine / you - plural, formal) eran Ellos eran viajeros. (They were travelers.)

Learn the other tenses of the verb "ser"!

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Study and practice other tenses and usage of the verb “ser in your daily conversations with our free online language courses, crafted by language experts.

Future tense

Now that we have familiarized ourselves with the present tense, which allows us to discuss current events, and the past tense, which allows us to recount past events, it's time to move on to the future tense. This will give us the ability to express future events and aspirations, further enriching our understanding and command of the Spanish language.

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Future tense of the verb ser

Pronoun Verb Example
Yo (I) seré Yo seré médico. (I will be a doctor.)
Tú (you - singular) serás Tú serás la mejor bailarina. (You will be the best dancer.)
Él / ella / usted (He / she / you - formal) será Ella será bella. (She will be beautiful.)
Nosotros / nosotras (we) seremos Nosotros seremos cantantes. (We were singers.)
Vosotros / vosotras (you - plural) seréis Vosotros seréis buenos estudiantes. (You all will be good students.)
Ellos / ellas / ustedes (they - masculine / they - feminine / you - plural, formal) serán Los invitados serán bien recibidos. (Guests will be welcomed.)


Once we have mastered the present, past and future tenses, our next step is to learn the conditional tenses. This will allow us to express hypothetical situations, wishes and probabilities in Spanish, taking our language skills to a new level of versatility and precision. Let's dive into the conditional tense and explore its exciting possibilities!

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Condicional of the verb ser

Pronoun Verb Example
Yo (I) sería Yo sería corredor. (I would be a runner.)
Tú (you - singular) serías Tú serías fuerte. (You would be strong.)
Él / ella / usted (He / she / you - formal) sería Él sería el defensor. (He would be the defender.)
Nosotros / nosotras (we) seríamos Nosotros seríamos buenos escritores. (We would be good writers.)
Vosotros / vosotras (you - plural) seríais Vosotros seríais pequeños guerreros. (You all would be small warriors.)
Ellos / ellas / ustedes (they - masculine / they - feminine / you - plural, formal) serían Ellas serían estudiantes. (They would be students.)

The conjugation of the verb “ser” can be a little difficult to understand. There isn’t a system to learn it like most of the other verbs that follow the rules of the -er, -ar, or -ir endings. Nevertheless, it's a fundamental aspect of the Spanish language, so it's important that you understand it.

Understanding its forms in different tenses and moods will give you the ability to express identity, tell stories or talk about hopes and aspirations. From the presente de indicativo to the condicional, each conjugation offers a unique way to communicate and connect with others in Spanish.

Now that you master the different tenses of the Spanish verb ser, go and immerse yourself in Spanish conversations, texts, and cultural experiences to further develop your understanding and use of the conjugation of the verb ser.

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